
Self-portait-with-LuSharon Mendelson has been showing her work locally for 30 years.  Over these years her work has include encaustic and oil paintings, print making, sculpture and book making.  Her current works are photographic, mostly of nature and with an emphasis on the vitality and spirit found there. What remains constant in her work throughout these years is a delight in texture, color and form, and the abiding expression of fascination and appreciation of beauty as a thriving intelligence, integral to the heart of nature.

A resident of rural Nockamixon Township Pennsylvania, Sharon Mendelson divides her time between her arts, family, and time donated to local environmental projects.  Volunteer work with Nockamixon Township’s Environmental Advisory Council, as well volunteering for several year long stream studies, has given Mendelson a widening field of study for her focus.

Currently, a selection of Sharon’s photographs, in mono tones chosen by the proprietor, can be viewed and purchased at Brian Chapman’s Hair Salon, 39 East Ashland Street, Doylestown, Pa

You can contact Sharon Mendelson by

simple-facebook-icon-mdemail:  smile@epix.net
US mail:  57 Steeple Drive
Kintnersville, PA,  18930
phone:  610-847-4667