The high water of a late winter’s storm has pushed debris to the edge of the Gallows Run. Caught in the flow were burs and a few walnuts. Spring’s approach has added greens of grass and clover. The stream’s currents and volume combined with the continuity of the branchlets and old grass stems created this mesh of life and history.
Beside Rapp Creek
The same swift current that skims rocks in the center of the run scours with water born ice, boulders and gravel along its flanks. Rapp Creek is a “flashy” stream that immediately responds as rocky soils up hill shed rain water quickly. The stream can swell and subside suddenly, making its banks a violent place to hold on.
The last day of this cycle’s Year of the Dragon, Water Element, began with what looked like the bottom jaw of a dragon jutting off our roof and hanging beneath the eaves. The day ended with a surprise show of neighborhood fireworks blazing through the tree tops and reflecting across the snow covered fields beyond our house.